Jimmy and Annette want to help make faith real for the rest of us by sharing stories and experiences from 30 years in ministry together as a blended family living up in a down world. Come along for the ride and just maybe you’ll laugh, cry, relate, and learn something in the process.
The Daily Grind ☕️ - One Voice Among Millions is Enough Have you ever felt insignificant or that your voice doesn’t really count? We all have felt that at one time. Like one small voice among millions, the Roman believers …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Revival Isn’t Coming, It’s Here I saw recently where 8,000 students attended a worship gathering in a Kentucky college. 2,000 gave their hearts to Jesus. The light of Christ is dawning on campuses, in locker …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Throw It To Him Worry is a killer. 76% of U.S. adults experienced stress-related health impacts in the past month. The Bible has much to say on the topic. Peter gives us a definitive way …