The Daily Grind ☕️ - 21 Seconds to Change Your Life I taught a series on the Lord’s Model Prayer sometime last year. It was good for me, the preacher. I began praying this prayer several times a day. It has been a game-changer. It only takes …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - One Voice Among Millions is Enough Have you ever felt insignificant or that your voice doesn’t really count? We all have felt that at one time. Like one small voice among millions, the Roman believers felt that too. This…
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Revival Isn’t Coming, It’s Here I saw recently where 8,000 students attended a worship gathering in a Kentucky college. 2,000 gave their hearts to Jesus. The light of Christ is dawning on campuses, in locker rooms, …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Throw It To Him Worry is a killer. 76% of U.S. adults experienced stress-related health impacts in the past month. The Bible has much to say on the topic. Peter gives us a definitive way to off-load the burdens we carry. The w…
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Say It Out Loud I remember that I heard the message of Jesus preached, taught, shared, and illustrated multiple times before everything clicked. While God is sovereign, He has chosen to use the proclamation of His Word as the …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - The Word of Faith The message of salvation through faith in Christ is not complicated or difficult to understand. The initial requirement is only that you believe. In this verse, “The word” simply means the message…
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Welcome Home Grace is an invitation to come home; to the place of origination, safety, beauty, and restoration. Jesus invites you to abide in Him. The meaning of Grace as “home” is from the etymology of the Hebrew …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Throw Off Your Old Garment When the teacher-rabbi was passing by, Bartimaeus was ready to shed his old life and identify with Jesus fully. So he threw off his outer garment, which identified him as a broken, blind beggar, and …
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Practical Living Paul’s admonition to be careful and mindful of how we live speaks to the practical outworking of faith in your daily life. John Eldredge calls this facet of our life in Christ, “The Dailies.”…
The Daily Grind ☕️ - Battle Weary I have come to appreciate Psalm 91 as a daily prayer. The last few years have been traumatic, culturally and individually, on our souls. John Eldredge coined the term, Cultural Fatigue. That has aptly captured the…