March 6, 2024

A Demonstration of God's Spirit and Power

A Demonstration of God's Spirit and Power

I was sharing with our newest staff pastor that the growth and increase we are experiencing at our church have little to do with us; it's about Jesus. Trust me, it’s not false humility, it’s the realization that God can speak through a donkey, a gentle whisper, or a burning bush if He wants to.

It’s easy to think it’s about us - our performance, hard work, skills, or competencies. However, even the great apostle Paul understood that it was not about his persuasive words of wisdom but a demonstration of God’s Spirit and power.

Today, rest in and experience the joy of “co-operating” and “co-laboring” with God in the execution of His work, His plan, and His will. I find myself saying these words out loud throughout the day, “I get to do this!” Have an amazing day on purpose. - Pastor Jimmy