April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023

April 17, 2023

As a brand new Christian at the age of 18, I knew zero about this life of faith. I was the proverbial clean slate. I got connected to a student ministry and was told this would be a good verse to memorize. It is as fresh to me this day as it was four decades ago. Okay, now I’m feeling old.

I was a new creation then, and when I got up this morning, I’m a new creation now. This truth is revolutionary and continues to be transformational every day. There is a beautiful exchange that is perpetual, my old life for His new life. I am a new creation!

Think about it, you are not the same person you were when you went to bed last night. You are a new creation! You are ever learning and ever growing. You are not that old person you once were. You are new, free, whole, graced, empowered, called, and filled! - Pastor Jimmy