You saw it coming. You knew things would be hard and difficult, but they would not listen. You grieve because you know there will be pain and loss.
Such is one facet of loving and leading others. You see the slow train coming, they refuse to listen, standing on the tracks as it moves toward them.
Tears are shed by you on their behalf, by them because of their refusal to heed the warnings.
Grace is still grace on the hardest of days, and it’s enough.
When Jesus approaches, he too sees what is coming, yet the people did not listen, did not respond to the Father’s heart for their redemption. Pain was inevitable. A sacrifice had to be made to atone. Jesus wept over the city.
When we love deeply with the love of God, we will see things others miss. Love weeps because that’s what love does.
Grace is still grace on the hardest of days.
On this Palm Sunday, we weep with sorrow and joy together, because we know and anticipate the end of the story. - Pastor Jimmy