Every road that leads to pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath, hatred, falsehood, evil, injustice, and rebellion can be traced back to one source: Sin.
Sin is disobedience to God's will and rebellion against God's authority, character, and purposes. It signifies a misplaced faith in oneself or other things over God.
In an effort to be current, some have moved away from the biblical word, “Sin,” to terms like: “issue, mistake, error, vice, toxicity, character flaw, moral weakness, ethical lapse, misstep, negative impulse,” etc.”
We need not move away from the terminology of our Bibles, in order to soften the impact of God’s Word to a broken world. Speak the truth in love and call it what the Bible calls it. Eternal life awaits those who will confess their sin, repent, and receive the gift of salvation. - Pastor Jimmy