Scholars estimate that Jeremiah was likely a young man, somewhere between 17-25 years old at the time of his call. I was 19 when I knew God called me to be a pastor. God had a plan for Jeremiah and me before we were formed in the womb.
It is apparent that God ordains and orders our steps and has plans for us before conception. That puts a hole in the lie that life does not begin until birth, therefore abortion is just a medical procedure. Let's be clear, it is man playing God, and it's murder; 63 million murders since 1973.
God has a plan for you, and it was ordained before you were conceived. You were not an accident or an "oops." God willed you into existence, to borrow Mordecai's words, "for such a time as this." Ask, "Father, am I on track for Your will and plan for my life?" - Pastor Jimmy