May 31, 2024

Heed the Storm Warnings

Heed the Storm Warnings

Growing up in West Texas, we were accustomed to storm warnings. It's a part of the culture, and we knew in the spring, anything could happen. You learned to expect the unexpected and to respect nature's potential fury.

Our family survived the May 11, 1970 F5 multiple vortex tornado that killed 26 people and stayed on the ground in the city for 1.5 hours. Let's just say I take storm warnings seriously these days.

Culturally speaking, there are storm warnings going off all over the world. We need to wake up and pay attention. Heed the signs of the times, note the key players, and engage in the cultural arena as a biblically informed citizen.

Pray for your community, state, nation, and the world as the storms intensify and bear down upon us. Don't be caught off guard. The Holy Spirit will guide us through these storms to safety and blue skies again. - Pastor Jimmy