Feb. 8, 2024

I Wanted to Bolt and Run

I Wanted to Bolt and Run

As a new disciple, 44 years ago, I sat at an early breakfast with over 30 young people. They were memorizing scriptures, and met weekly to recite and share what they were learning. It was overwhelming to this new follower of Jesus. At that time, I had committed one Bible verse to memory. One.

As they went around the room, the youth minister would call out a verse, and the student would recite it from memory. As it came closer to my turn, I began to panic. I thought, “I know one verse! Just one!” When it was my turn, I wanted to bolt out of the restaurant ashamed and embarrassed.

The youth leader said, “Okay Jimmy, Psalm 119:11.” I boldly recited the verse I had memorized just that week; the only verse I knew. They moved on and I sat there stunned. I never heard another word. All I could think of was how God loved me enough to rescue me from a moment of humiliation.

You need to hear this: God knows your deepest fears, your darkest regrets, your paralyzing shame. He knows you better than you know yourself; and He still loves you and wants the best for you. Rest in His mercy. Breathe in peace and exhale your burdens. He knows. - Pastor Jimmy