Feb. 6, 2024

Pardon the Interruption, May I Testify?

Pardon the Interruption, May I Testify?

As a young, new disciple of Jesus, this was the first Bible verse I intentionally memorized. It clearly identified what Jesus did the moment I received His free gift of salvation and participated in the great exchange: my old life for His new life, living, moving, and working in me.

Not only did it impact me in that moment, but it also changed the entire trajectory of my life. As I read it again this morning for the hundredth time, the joy of my salvation washed over me, flooding me with gratitude and overwhelming joy. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!

Do you have a particular scripture verse or passage that touches you deeply and takes you back to your first days as a new disciple of Jesus? Please share in the comments. Let’s encourage one another today with the verses that have impacted and influenced our lives. - Pastor Jimmy