Dec. 16, 2024

The Daily Grind ☕️ - Strength is in the Joy of the Lord

The Daily Grind ☕️ - Strength is in the Joy of the Lord

The Daily Grind ☕️ - Strength is in the Joy of the Lord

The "Book," aka the scrolls, had been recovered after being lost in the rubble of the destruction of Jerusalem. Weeping broke out as the Book was read.

Nehemiah and Ezra declared the day of the reading of the Book "holy." The response was repentance, mourning, and weeping as the people realized their sin and neglect of God's commands.

However, Nehemiah reminded the people, "And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." I believe God is saying, "Receive the joy of the Lord as you engage your day." - Pastor Jimmy