Jan. 9, 2024

The Rewilding of God

The Rewilding of God

As we earnestly pray for reformation and revival, we must be willing to acknowledge and embrace the wildness of God. Pete Greig (founder, 24/7 Prayer Movement) calls this 'The Rewilding of God.'

Theologian Walter Brueggemann writes, ‘We live our lives before the wild, dangerous, unfettered, and free character of the living God.’ The prophet Nahum gives voice to a God who is untamed, unhindered, and whose nature is defined by the wildness of the whirlwind, the storm, and the clouds.

This is no weak, anemic, or passive God. No, He is, in the poignant words of author John Eldredge, ‘A Beautiful Outlaw.' His attributes include; jealous, avenging, wrathful, powerful, just, commanding, and destroyer of His enemies. (Nahum 1)

How does the rewilding of God inform your mind and how you approach Him? As for me, I come before Him with confidence, laced with humility, and a holy reverence and awe. Take a few moments today and embrace the rewilding of God.

“’Safe?’ said Mr. Beaver, ‘Who said anything about safe? Of course, he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.’” - C.S. Lewis. Have a wild and amazing day on purpose!

- Pastor Jimmy