Someone somewhere decided, (even though every person in the Bible - with one exception - had flaws, made mistakes, exhibited genuine fear, voiced honest doubt, and was used by God to do great things) a Christian must live a perfect and flawless life in order to be used by God.
Whoever pushed that agenda, obviously did not read their bible through the lens of reality and integrity. If this propaganda was true, then none of us would be here. God would have shut the whole project down. He would have wiped out the planet and started over. Nothing could be further from the truth.
God is not looking for perfect people, he’s looking for willing people. All he needs from you is a simple, “Yes.” In spite of the bumps, bruises, and cracks, he will use you to accomplish his will. Rest in the truth, resist the propaganda, and say to God, “Here am I! Send me!” - Pastor Jimmy