I used to think the guy on the street carrying a sign that read, “Repent, for the end is near!,” was a whacko. Now I’m pointing to him and saying, “Listen up, he had it right all along!” Like the men of Issachar, we must understand the times we are living in. We must “stand firm” in these last days.
This is not the time to play at being a Christian, to be indifferent about the world’s carnality (or the church’s), and to mistakenly think God is not a just judge and will begin His judgment with the House of God, aka the Church. The phrase “stand firm” is used 10 times in the New Testament.
When Christ returns, and He is coming, will you be found standing firm, or just going with the flow of culture and the world around you? Don’t be caught sleeping in the light. Stand firm. Don’t be spiritually apathetic. Stand firm. Don’t capitulate to the Spirit of the Age. Stand firm. - Pastor Jimmy