Season 1

Aug. 14, 2023

"Life's A Beach!"

Jimmy and Annette share their first remote podcast episode from the beach! Lots to share with some major lifestyle decisions that may just help you too. Settle in and join the conversation.

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Aug. 7, 2023

"Giving Up The Right To Withhold Encouragement"

Jimmy and Annette dive in to the deep waters of what it means to give up the right to withhold encouragement. It's more than hollow flattering words or blowing smoke. Join the conversation!

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July 31, 2023

"The Forgiveness Factor"

Jimmy and Annette discuss an important topic that all of us need to be reminded of often, "The Forgiveness Factor." Why? Because everyone has to deal with being hurt, broken, slandered, gossiped about, and/or traumatized. The...

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July 24, 2023

"Feeling The Fire!"

There comes a time when you need to see, to stay, and to stand! Join Jimmy and Annette as they unpack what God is doing regarding the hard and relevant things in this world.

Listen to the Episode
July 17, 2023

"Fear Is A Liar... Unless..."

Today’s episode deals with the issue of Fear in relation to God. Is all fear bad? We tend to think so, however, there is a healthy “fear of the Lord,” that leads to wisdom, life, and a more intimate relationship with Him. Her...

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July 10, 2023

"One's Company, Two's a Crowd, and Three's a Family"

Jimmy and Annette are one week into their Sabbatical and settling into a new rhythm for a season of rest, recover, renewal, and restoration. Their son, Pastor Chris Pate of CityLife Church in Houston, joins them on the podcas...

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July 4, 2023

"I Think She Just Coughed Up A Lung!"

Have you ever felt like life is a lab class? Like your participating in some grand experiment? Join us as we take a look at life, faith, and how God tends to flip the script on our lives. Let's laugh, love, and live this life...

Listen to the Episode
June 27, 2023

"Big Boys Don't Cry... Well, This One Does"

Jimmy and Annette share from the depths of pain, grace, and victory in the hopes that it will help you live up in a down world. You are loved!

Listen to the Episode
June 19, 2023

"She Called an Audible!"

Jimmy and Annette share their love of life, faith, and each other while living up in a down world.

Listen to the Episode
June 5, 2023

"You Are Seen. You Are Heard. You Are Loved."

Join Jimmy and Annette as they navigate the complex landscape of life with faith, hope, and love!

Listen to the Episode
May 23, 2023

"Takings Hits and Staying Vulnerable"

Jimmy and Annette share their love of life, faith, and each other while living up in a down world.

Listen to the Episode
May 16, 2023

"No Pain No Gain"

Jimmy and Annette share their love of life, faith, and each other while living up in a down world.

Listen to the Episode
May 9, 2023

"No Perfect People Allowed"

Jimmy and Annette want to help you to find faith, hope, love, and laughter by living up in a down world.

Listen to the Episode
May 2, 2023

"A Wedding, A Dentist, and A Vineyard"

Life is a mishmash of events and opportunities that come your way. Join Jimmy and Annette as they navigate life while Living Up in a Down World.

Listen to the Episode
April 24, 2023

"Pro Tip: Nobody's Perfect"

Jimmy and Annette discuss the fact that nobody is perfect. Life is messy. We are messy. This is why we must understand that grace is our greatest hope for authentically living up in a down world.

Listen to the Episode
April 16, 2023

"You Should Be Ashamed... NOT!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" Have you ever heard those words? Of course you have. We all have. Shame is like the final nail in the coffin of a joyful and wonderful life. We're here to let you know you can give shame t...

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April 10, 2023

"We See Broken God Sees Mended"

God loves broken things and broken people too. Join Jimmy and Annette as they discuss God's heart for the broken and hurting. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Mr or Mrs Dumpty together again... but Go...

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April 3, 2023

Life Is A Lab Class

Have you ever felt like life is a lab class? Like your participating in some grand experiment? Join us as we take a look at life, faith, and how God tends to flip the script on our lives. Let's laugh, love, and live this life...

Listen to the Episode
March 28, 2023

Games People Play

All of us are game-players at the end of the day. Some good, some not so good. What are the games people play and how do we navigate these games with grace?

Listen to the Episode
March 21, 2023

Mind Wars

Jimmy and Annette talk about the Mind Wars that barrage us on a daily basis. You are not alone. It is every person's battle. However, there is hope and there are tools to help you win the war of the mind.

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March 7, 2023

My Wife Is Purging Again!

Join Jimmy and Annette on an adventure of bringing faith into the center of their lives as they navigate the complexities of this crazy world!

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Feb. 28, 2023

So You Say You Want a Revolution?

Jimmy and Annette want to see you living up in a down world. Life on this planet can be difficult and arduous. It can also be an exciting adventure. In most cases, it's your choice.

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 21, 2023

Okay, I'm Dead, Now What?

Jimmy and Annette dive into one of the most important, yet least addressed topics in most churches today. Fill your cup and pull up a chair. Let's talk about what really matters.

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Feb. 14, 2023

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Marriage Conference

Sometimes you just have to laugh. Have you ever noticed right before you have to be somewhere that everything just comes apart at the seams? You would think Jimmy and Annette have lived the perfect life, right? Listen in and ...

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