Sept. 22, 2024

"Snakes, Dreams & Spiritual Warfare"

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Living Up In A Down World

Join Jimmy and Annette as they share their experiences in the area of spiritual warfare. You were born into a world at war. Is it any surprise when things get a little weird?

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This is Jimmy Internet and we are excited that you're here with us on this evening to

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weekend evening. Hello, gorgeous. Saturday evening. We don't do podcasts on Saturday

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evening. We wanted to get one in this week and we're leaving next week for a staff retreat.

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Don't know if we'll be able to get one until the end of next week. So it is what it is.

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We have to do it at different days, different times. We have day jobs. We have day jobs.

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We work. We have a lot going. And I worked what? Six days this week. Oh, yeah. It's been

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a big week. Seven days. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I get it. That's my life too. People think we come home

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and we don't do anything, but we're always studying. We're always listening to things.

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We have to fill our buckets up. So we have something to give out, right? Exactly. Exactly.

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So we are on episode number 76 and we are in our home studio and I have, it's a tent city in here.

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There's blankets everywhere. I feel like an adolescent when I'm putting that up, like a child.

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You look like we're setting up tents like we did when we were little kids. That's what I'm saying.

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It's like forts, tent forts. Yes. But they do work because the last time we recorded at home,

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we're experimenting. This is called Pod Mobile by Audio Sigma. It's a really cool

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interface. You don't have to plug it in. It just plugs right into your phone or your computer,

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your iPad, and you can, wherever you are, you can do a podcast. So this is amazing. So it makes it

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really nice. And me and Adam Curry are experimenting with this because we're going to be doing,

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launching a local show soon, which I'm super excited about called Hello Fred. Tina said today,

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she said, well, I don't know if Jimmy's going to have time. I said, oh, he'll put it on the calendar.

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This will be part of his time. He would never bail on that because this is so important,

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very important. So I'm excited for you all to do that. Thank you. I'm looking forward to it. It's

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going to be great fun because I love doing stuff with my bestie, Adam Curry. So you had a big day

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today. I did. I was able- So let's work our week backwards instead of forward. You know what I mean?

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Let's start today and then we'll reverse engineer and go back. Okay. So what did you do this morning?

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I spoke at a women's luncheon today and it's the first time I've given my full testimony at church

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in years, seven years, maybe. Yeah. It's been a long time. It was like the first year we were here.

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We've been here almost nine years, maybe eight years. And we have a whole lot of new people

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who weren't privy to the information. And so it was really, it was interesting, but I absolutely

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loved it. I was apprehensive thinking about how can you do this week after week? Cause you have a show

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as Adam says every week and I can do it. It's the spiritual warfare that I don't like to handle.

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Well, and that's what people don't understand. They think, oh yeah, will you prepare a sermon

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every week or two? They probably don't even think about you preparing. They probably don't realize it.

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They just, I get up there and talk and they think that's just normal, but because that's what they're

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used to, but they don't realize the hours of filling our buckets that we do all week long.

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And cause you have to study and you have to dive deep and you have to ask the Holy Spirit,

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what is it that you want to say? Because I'm just the conduit. I'm just, I'm the hands and feet and

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the mouth and whatever you want to say. And so to me that's weighty. And so we don't just flippantly

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put together any messages, whether it's a testimony or a sermon. And so to me it's very heavy.

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But the spiritual warfare that we experienced, and I say we, because it started with, well,

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it started with you Sunday, but actually the week before when you walked out of the house

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and there was a snake in the, in the back by the door, by the back door. And, but then last Sunday,

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you had a really rough Sunday. First service was fantastic. I felt it was so fantastic. Wait,

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let me just say this. I have never seen you so energetic first service. Now you can talk.

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I mean, which was amazing because I felt so good coming in. I was excited about the message. I was,

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we're starting a new series, talking about the book of Acts called Mission Possible. So I was

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pumped up. I was ready to go. First service, green light, go. Pedal to the metal. Got out for second

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service. And it was like the energies drained from my body. And I felt, I felt a spiritual attack.

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And I know it sounds spooky or whatever, but at the end of the day, we're spiritual beings living

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in a physical world. I mean, it's, which isn't even our home. Think about it. We always think

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we're physical beings who also have to interact with the spiritual world, but it's actually the

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opposite. We're primarily spiritual beings. We just happen to have earth suits for a short amount

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of time compared to our eternity. It's temporary. It's very temporary. It's a temporary dwelling

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and it's subject to a fallen world. It's also subject to influences. And so I got up to preach,

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start the message, and I just felt this weight on me. And I felt something in the atmosphere that

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I haven't felt in years. And it was, it was hatred. It was like daggers were being thrown at you.

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And you know, I mean, naturally in the physical, you start looking to see, is there somebody hating

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on me? I mean, is there somebody's mad or somebody? So I'm looking at, you know, what, 200 and something

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people out there in the second service, because we had like 500 and something people in both

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services. Yeah. So I'm looking out there. So there's a couple hundred plus people and I'm just

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looking, is there somebody like, is there a gun pointed at me? I mean, it was weird. And I felt,

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I'm just going to say what I felt. I felt a spirit of hatred and a spirit of mockery. Like someone

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was like mock, there was a something just like, dude, you're full of it. You know, what do you,

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you don't even know what you're talking. I mean, you know, most likely there were people in the

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church that felt that because there are plants, enemy plants. There are people that infiltrate

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Christian churches all over the United States and they may look and act like the best Christians.

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And from the intel we have and what people have told us who are in the know on this, I mean,

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we're talking about intentional infiltration to come in and disrupt and destroy and cause a

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disturbance, cause division and dissension and sow in seeds of negativity and all that. All that's

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real. That's the world we live in. And so we're just kind of constantly on alert, full alert.

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I don't sit and think about it all the time, but all of a sudden on Sunday, it was like, whoa,

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what's something's here and it's ugly. And I can't put a finger on it. I don't know if it was just

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totally spiritual. I don't know if there was a combination of somebody there in the physical,

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but it was, it was a strange thing. And I haven't felt that in many years.

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And I thought it was interesting because you had so much energy first service. It was as if you've

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taught this, this was your third service to teach it. And you were on fire and you gave us a lot of

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good information from the book of Acts that people didn't, that have not connected with Luke, who

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authored the book of Acts and law authored Luke and 33% of the new Testament, I think you said,

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or 30% of the new Testament. But just in talking about that and the fact that he wasn't one of the

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original disciples and he came, he's best friends with Paul. He, he was kind of under his ministry

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or with him in ministry. And those were things that we had, we didn't know, but then you went

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into some detail and it was really, really enlightening. But then the second service,

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there was a hesitancy. I mean, it, it wasn't that much different, but I could tell, I can tell when

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you're different. And, but most people wouldn't even know it, but because I live with you, I know,

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but when we got in the car and you just said, I'm, I'm glad that's over with you, you don't know

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what I've just gone through for the last hour. And I'm like, what? And then when you shared it,

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and then you began to share it with a couple of other people in church, they felt it. And it was

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it was, uh, at the start of a very tough, tough week. So for those who don't know who we are,

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we're Jimmy and Annette Pruitt. We are both pastors. I'm a lead pastor and that is,

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is an associate pastor or really co-lead pastor with me as my wife. And we lead a church called

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Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Texas. And it is a growing church. It's an exciting church. We have

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a big footprint in our area, biggest footprint in our area actually. And God's moving big time. We

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always say Aslan's on the moon, move on the moon, Aslan's on the move, which is a C.S. Lewis reference

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from the Chronicles of Narnia where Mr. Beaver says, Aslan is on the move. You know, he's really

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excited about it. And it's, it's when things started to change and we see that happening.

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And in light of that, um, I mean, in light of it, we are like in warfare. It's like we're

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over the target. Well, you know, I thought it was awfully quiet the last few months, honestly,

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because of the things that we are diving into and bringing our church body into and revelation that

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we're receiving from what speakers we're bringing in that are opening the eyes of people to see some

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of the lies and deceptions that are happening in our country right now. And this really does,

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we're really addressing things on both a nat, both a local and the national state and national level.

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And when you start hitting those things, you're hitting big stuff, you're moving big rocks.

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And that's when the enemy really doesn't like it and he will do anything. And so that happens Sunday

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and we go to work on Monday and I don't remember anything. Oh, Monday, we, we,

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Mike Smith, who is a former stuntman. So we had a full, full, we didn't, we didn't slow down.

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Hollywood stuntman for 20 some odd years. And what's the name of his movie? In, he, well,

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out of shadows and then into the light, there's two movies. So let's recommend that we, people

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need to see this movie. You can go to into the light dot movie and see both of those. They,

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there's a charge to rent them by Mike Smith. And we, we decided after we've seen it four times

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and we met Mike Smith, we've met him twice. We met him at Mar-a-Lago when we went and.

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Yeah. So the movie by Mike Smith and into the light, an amazing, amazing movie. And we saw it,

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how many times? We, well, we've seen it four times. We saw it, we got invited to go to Mar-a-Lago

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and I knew they were going to show the movie there, but the week before Laura Logan and Joe

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Logan gave us that movie and asked us to preview it. Joe Burkett, Joe Burkett, it's his name. Oh,

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I'm sorry. Did I say Joe Logan? You did. Oh my gosh. I know that he probably hates that. I bet

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he gets out a lot. I bet he does. Laura Logan and Joe Burkett gave us that movie. We, we watched it

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at home and then we watched it again at Mar-a-Lago. And it was quite enlightening about what,

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what is really going on with the world with SOPS and how we're turning into a Marxist nation. And

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anyway, it's, you just really need to go to into the light dot movie and watch these two movies out

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of the shadows, out of shadows. We need to support Mike and what he's doing. Cause he's, he's opening

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the eyes of people, general Flynn's in that movie. What's really going on in Hollywood. Exactly. In

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Hollywood and beyond. And so Dr. Keith Rose is in it. Um, Lara Logan's in it. I mean, just amazing.

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You say Lara, I say Lara. It's Lara. Okay. Everybody says it different. I need to ask her.

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When you ask her, she'll say, whatever. Cause she gets tired. She's from South Africa. She has a

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great voice. But it's Michael Flynn, general Michael Flynn is in the movie, which is why,

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you know, we were invited to Mar-a-Lago and he presented the movie with Mike. They're on the

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same board of America's future. So then we saw that. And then I think we saw it another time,

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um, at one of a pastor's conference that we went to Dallas and we decided it was, um,

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we met Mike and said, Hey, we had our picture made with you at Mar-a-Lago. He goes, Oh, you're one of

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a million. I've had my pictures, but we said, you know, we really want to bring this movie to our

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church. We need our body to be exposed to truth. And so we brought them in Monday night. I think

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it's interesting. If you find, if you think about the timing of this, there was a snake in our house

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outside of our door just a few days prior. Then Sunday, you're just, you know, it's weird.

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Spiritual warfare, like crazy while you're preaching. Then Monday night, we show this movie

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and over two, over 200 show up to watch this movie. And a lot of people left there with just what,

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um, I did not have any idea this is going on and it was enlightening. And so, um, and then big time

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spiritual warfare, when we go to work on Tuesday, three different instances that were just devastating

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to us that, that, um, attacked our character. Yeah. Um, accusation orientation, which we always

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recognize the enemy in this stuff. He's the accuser of the brother and the scripture calls. And,

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and it's part of, um, being a leader and having a larger sphere of influence.

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The more people you have influence over in terms of your sphere and your reach, the more

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stuff happens. More people stuff happens, happens in churches, schools, organizations, businesses,

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but it's, it's just devastating either way. It's, it hurts, but here's what's interesting about it.

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This time we've had this happen. It kind of comes in cycles through the years. We just didn't have

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three at one time. Right. This is kind of a big hit, but also had a series of dreams, which I don't

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do this either, but I had dreams about violence. I had dreams about tornadoes and I had dreams about

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floods. And these were all happening. Like every few nights, I wasn't sleeping as good as I have

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been all of a sudden. And I was having these weird dreams. I would wake up and I was like,

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huh, man, just my adrenaline is pumping. So it was harder to get back to sleep. So there's a

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series of things that happen. These were all spiritual warfare stuff. And, uh, and then this

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week I met a family from Missouri and we're talking and he's a chiropractor in Missouri.

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His son's going to be an intern at the Patriot Academy here in Fredericksburg, uh, uh, Rick Green's

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place, Rick and Kara's place. So he's going to serve as a, and so they came, the parents wanted

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to meet me. They came on Wednesday night to our, um, biblical, um, citizenship, biblical citizenship

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class. I got too many names rattling around and, uh, his name was Ross. The dad was Steve, a

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wonderful family. And, uh, his dad was just kept tearing up while we, while I was sharing the

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vision of our church and what we're doing. And he was, he was overwhelmed by it. This is on after

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a week of just hit, hit, hit. And yet it was a great week where our church, so many good things

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are happening. You had nearly a hundred women signed up for you. But I've also, I've, I've,

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I've not slept in two weeks, which is never have trouble sleeping ever. So we know things are

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up, right? Things are up and we know the enemy's busy as lands on the move, but the enemy always

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counter moves, but he's a counterfeiter and he's a liar. He's a deceiver, a manipulator. So it's not,

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it's not real. It just feels real in the moment. And then it's like a smoke screen type stuff. It's

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almost bait and switch, you know, smoke and mirrors kind of stuff. So we've been sensing that,

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but this man handed me a coin. I've got it right here. Yeah. I remember we were out with Adam and

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Tina one evening at one of our favorite places in town to go, especially on Sunday evenings. And

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we're all tired and, uh, a stranger, a stranger came up and handed this. They overheard us talking

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about God. And he just felt led to give Adam a coin. Not you, but he gave Adam. I thought that

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was interesting. He ignored you. Adam was talking more than I was that night. So anyway, gave him

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one and it's this coin right here. And this man gave me the same coin. He said, I always give this

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to people when I feel like the Holy spirit tells me to. So he gave this to me on Thursday morning.

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And it's, it's called, um, it's a big coin. It's like those coins that the military gives.

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And it says, uh, put on the whole armor of God, pray always. And on the other side,

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it has all the pieces of the armor helmet of salvation, shield of faith, uh, loins,

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Gert girded with, with truth. And then it's got, uh, the, uh, trying to read it gospel of peace.

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That's the feet shot of the preparation, gospel piece, the sort of the spirit and the breastplate

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of righteousness and the helmet of salvation. Isn't that cool? So he gave that to me. And it

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really, you know, normally I just go, Hey, thank you. That's awesome. But the timing of that just

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made me think, wow, this is like a God tap. God was saying, I got you. That was Thursday.

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What was the day? Then we went out the other night to take the dog out and the snake was,

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snake was back. It's the same snake. I'm certain it's the same one.

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Because you didn't kill it. But the thing is, is we haven't seen snakes here in forever.

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And so the snake represents the demon, the enemy, the enemy. And so it's literally,

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and I remember when you saw the first one, well, it, the first time you made the comment to me,

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a few days later, I didn't tell you this, which I hate it when you do that, but you,

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I didn't tell you this, but I really felt like that the Lord showed me that that's the enemy.

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It's a spiritual connotation. There's a spiritual war here. And then it was like,

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I don't know if it was that day that you told me that or the very next day that snake showed up

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again. And it's almost like, you know, I'm still here. You got to be on guard. You got to be on

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guard. That guy gives me a coin. He encourages me. We have so many people praying for us.

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An unusual amount of people saying, gosh, you guys must take a lot of hits. I mean,

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because of what I'm preaching, I'm preaching. And yeah, we are now. I'm revealing things.

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And it's a season of reveal of the way Adam Curry came up with that great, that great moniker.

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Which is a confirmation of things we've been hearing. Oh my goodness. I mean, things in the

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media, things in life, things in government, things are just getting revealed and exposed

00:19:41,280 --> 00:19:48,800
and outed and things in the churches. I mean, so God is cleaning things up. I mean, he is exposing.

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It's a hard season, but it's a good season too. But it is hard. So, you know, when you're doing,

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you're moving a needle, I keep using that phrase, when you're moving the needle, it means when you're

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actually making progress. That's when the enemy shows up and tries to get you off track. And

00:20:04,320 --> 00:20:06,240
those three words- It's called distraction.

00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:11,440
Distraction, disruption, it's all the same. It's spiritual warfare at the end of the day.

00:20:11,920 --> 00:20:15,760
And the scripture is very clear that we have authority over that. We got to walk in our

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authority and not give in, not cave in, but be strong, be strong in the power of his might,

00:20:21,840 --> 00:20:27,120
not ours, but his might. And so Lord reminded me of three words. He spoke to me. Now it's been

00:20:27,120 --> 00:20:32,240
three years ago. And it was one of the clearest words from God I've ever heard. And I'm a simple

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man. So he only gave me three. It wasn't complicated. I see some prophetic people and be like 32 pages

00:20:38,320 --> 00:20:41,520
of stuff. It's three words. And that was all I needed.

00:20:41,520 --> 00:20:43,520
Stay the course. I knew what you were going to say.

00:20:43,520 --> 00:20:43,840
Of course.

00:20:43,840 --> 00:20:48,080
It's because it's come back to me probably a hundred times since then. And this is one of those,

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during this week when I was like, Lord, this is, man, this is heavy. I feel like we're,

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we're lifting heavy weights here. We're carrying a lot and are heavy buckets, you know, whatever

00:20:58,480 --> 00:21:04,400
you want to say and pushing big rocks. And the Lord just reminded me, what did I tell you?

00:21:04,400 --> 00:21:08,000
Stay the course. I mean, I don't even have to think about it. So autopilot right now.

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It's interesting because this is what Tina was saying. She said, because of your all's

00:21:14,480 --> 00:21:19,600
maturity in Christ and you know how to recognize the devil's activity,

00:21:20,400 --> 00:21:25,840
you're strong and you can get through it really quick. And I think that that is very true

00:21:25,840 --> 00:21:30,800
because if you don't recognize when things, these challenges like this come into your life,

00:21:30,800 --> 00:21:37,600
that there's a real enemy that wants to distract you, disrupt you, take you down, then you might

00:21:37,600 --> 00:21:45,600
take longer to recover from something, but you will recover. But you, it will, it could take longer,

00:21:45,600 --> 00:21:53,360
but it's funny because the longer we are and the more mature we've become, even though we've still

00:21:53,360 --> 00:21:59,200
got a long way to go. The older we get, the older we get. That's the maturity piece. The older we get.

00:21:59,200 --> 00:22:04,560
You do learn to combat things really quick. You learn to see things for what they are and

00:22:04,560 --> 00:22:11,280
take care of it with a word. With, I mean, last Wednesday night, I had to deal with some stuff and

00:22:11,280 --> 00:22:17,680
I went, I had to go, I left biblical citizenship class for just a few moments to go into the

00:22:17,680 --> 00:22:23,280
bathroom. No one was in the bathroom at the church. This is at the church. And I literally was like,

00:22:23,280 --> 00:22:31,600
devil, I rebuke you. Jesus rebukes you in the name of Jesus. We're, you're not going to take

00:22:31,600 --> 00:22:36,160
away our peace. You're not going to distract. You're not. And I just went to town until someone

00:22:36,160 --> 00:22:39,600
walked in and then I just shut up, you know, because I didn't want them to go, what? Who's that?

00:22:39,600 --> 00:22:42,240
Unless there was somebody sitting next to you going, wow, this lady's crazy.

00:22:42,240 --> 00:22:47,040
No, I checked. I literally checked unless they were a small kid and their feet weren't dangling.

00:22:47,040 --> 00:22:52,080
But literally I was like, you know what? You got to speak to it, but you got to speak out loud.

00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:57,200
You can't just do it under your breath. And I thought, okay, because I had to deal with

00:22:57,200 --> 00:23:04,800
something really heavy. I had to confront some people and to just put some clarity to a situation

00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:10,000
and it wasn't fun. It was not fun because I love these people dearly, but I had to kind of set them straight.

00:23:10,000 --> 00:23:14,400
But we also recognize the real source of conflict. It's not those people. They're precious. We love them.

00:23:14,400 --> 00:23:20,800
That's why we address things and talk to people. We do it because we love people. And so sometimes

00:23:20,800 --> 00:23:23,680
it doesn't feel like love when you're in the middle of one of those things, but it is.

00:23:23,680 --> 00:23:26,240
And I was the one having to deal with it. And you were the one having to deal with it.

00:23:26,240 --> 00:23:30,880
Which is not fun. But you went to war. You knew what to do. That's the beauty. When you know who you are,

00:23:30,880 --> 00:23:34,880
you'll know what to do. Exactly. I want to read just a little bit of Ephesians 6. I'm going to read

00:23:34,880 --> 00:23:40,080
all that whole passage, but listen to this. I just quoted it a minute ago, Ephesians 6, 10.

00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:45,520
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God

00:23:45,520 --> 00:23:51,280
that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh

00:23:51,280 --> 00:23:56,400
and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities. This is all spiritual. This is high

00:23:56,400 --> 00:24:01,840
up stuff. Against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,

00:24:02,960 --> 00:24:06,480
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:13,040
Speaking of this present darkness, Frank Peretti wrote a book called This Present Darkness.

00:24:13,040 --> 00:24:21,040
What was that? Like the 80s? That was the 80s. No, it was the 80s. And he wrote a series of books.

00:24:21,040 --> 00:24:25,760
Late 80s. But I will never forget this present darkness. And when I read it,

00:24:26,560 --> 00:24:33,360
I was like, this is far fetched. It's not anymore. It is like real. And he didn't write it. It's not

00:24:33,360 --> 00:24:40,400
like a... It was a novel. It was a novel. It's not like an information. It's a fiction book

00:24:40,400 --> 00:24:46,320
based on the spiritual realities that we deal with. Oh my gosh. I probably should read that again.

00:24:46,320 --> 00:24:52,320
No, I shouldn't because I think it'll creep me out. But it... And I remember he actually came to

00:24:52,320 --> 00:24:56,560
the church I was attending at the time. You weren't... I was... It was before my time.

00:24:56,560 --> 00:25:02,320
It was before your time. And I remember just being mesmerized by the words he was saying and what was

00:25:02,320 --> 00:25:08,160
really going on. And he had to put it in a novel form so that non-believers would read the book and

00:25:08,160 --> 00:25:15,520
see and recognize when they do see it what it is. And boy, it opened up my eyes. And I could read

00:25:15,520 --> 00:25:20,720
that book today and go, yep, that's happening now. This is happening now. This happened recently.

00:25:20,720 --> 00:25:25,440
I could literally see that. I was struck this week and just... I think one of my Devo's I wrote,

00:25:25,440 --> 00:25:31,280
I write a Devo every day. By the way, go to Living Up in a World Down... Wow. I do this every time.

00:25:31,280 --> 00:25:36,720
Why? I have a brain block. It's because it's too long. Go to... Change the name. Go to Living Up

00:25:36,720 --> 00:25:44,160
in a Down World dot com. Living Up in a Down... We should just call it Living Up. Just Living Up.

00:25:44,160 --> 00:25:47,360
I'll see if I can change it. But I know there's other podcasts, but they're probably not even

00:25:47,360 --> 00:25:50,800
in existence anymore. But because most podcasts only last about seven weeks. Living Up in a Down

00:25:50,800 --> 00:25:57,360
World is a lot of words. A lot of words. Go there and just click on the blog.

00:25:57,360 --> 00:26:01,920
It's at the top. It's in the menu. Click on blog and I do a daily devotion on there. And last week,

00:26:01,920 --> 00:26:06,880
I was doing some on Spiritual Warfare because we're always write blogs kind of on what I'm in

00:26:06,880 --> 00:26:10,880
because that's what's relevant. Yeah. You kind of know what's going on in your life as you write

00:26:10,880 --> 00:26:15,280
your blog. So I just kept going and God kept showing me things. And one of the scriptures

00:26:15,280 --> 00:26:21,760
he showed me was one of the Proverbs about being bold as a lion. The righteous are as bold as a

00:26:21,760 --> 00:26:27,280
lion. And I thought, yeah. I mean, it's like a pep talk from a coach at halftime when you're getting

00:26:27,280 --> 00:26:32,640
beat in the game and he comes in and charges you up and reminds you of who you are. And I just said,

00:26:32,640 --> 00:26:38,160
that's right. I am bold as a lion. I'm not going to be timid. And I started walking in the rooms

00:26:38,160 --> 00:26:45,200
different. And I told our staff on Tuesday, I said, you know, we've been here now coming up on nine

00:26:45,200 --> 00:26:51,680
years in January. Right. And so that's a long time. That's long enough to tick some people off.

00:26:51,680 --> 00:26:56,400
You think? That's long enough for people. There's people who realize I really don't like that guy.

00:26:56,400 --> 00:27:01,520
And so, but being a public figure, I mean, I can't hardly go into a store, hardly a room without

00:27:01,520 --> 00:27:06,000
somebody knowing who I am. That's it. We're a small town and we've been here long enough to know

00:27:06,000 --> 00:27:12,640
everybody or a lot of people. And I told my staff, I said, there's not a room I don't walk into in

00:27:12,640 --> 00:27:18,960
this city where someone doesn't hate me. That's true. Because that's just the nature of leadership.

00:27:18,960 --> 00:27:26,160
Mm hmm. Anyone who's a leader has to make unpopular decisions. Right. And so you're always

00:27:26,160 --> 00:27:31,120
going to have somebody to work that someone frustrates, someone mad, someone didn't like the

00:27:31,120 --> 00:27:36,800
way you said it. Someone didn't agree with you, whatever. Because I mean, I was on how many stages

00:27:36,800 --> 00:27:41,200
of the island this week leading prayer. I led prayer for city council. I led prayer for the

00:27:41,200 --> 00:27:46,720
boots and barbecue. I was in the pulpit. I mean, then I was on the stage on Monday night leading

00:27:46,720 --> 00:27:52,480
the panel with Laura, Joe and Mike as we did a panel discussion about the movie. So think about

00:27:52,480 --> 00:27:58,320
how many times I'm on a platform in front of a lot of people. This week, if you add up everybody

00:27:58,320 --> 00:28:02,880
that on the platforms that I was in front of, think about how many that might be. Wow. Yeah,

00:28:02,880 --> 00:28:10,080
that adds up, right? Over a thousand between Sunday and Saturday night. And then so add another two,

00:28:10,080 --> 00:28:18,240
200, another hundred. I mean, so just starts to add up. Yeah. You know, 1500 to 2000 people.

00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:24,800
And that didn't include being online. We've had over 65 or 64,000 downloads on our podcasts.

00:28:25,840 --> 00:28:30,800
Interesting. Nepal. Nepal's leading the charge. I don't know what's up with that. I know.

00:28:30,800 --> 00:28:34,720
Something bounces over there or something. It's probably a digital thing. I don't know. But if

00:28:34,720 --> 00:28:39,120
you're from Nepal and you're listening, thank you for listening to the show. Go to our website,

00:28:39,120 --> 00:28:43,600
write us a note from Nepal. We'd love to hear from you. But anyway, all I'm saying is, and it's not

00:28:43,600 --> 00:28:48,480
to brag, it's just to say, everybody has a different sphere of influence, but what happens is it cracks

00:28:48,480 --> 00:28:54,880
open the door for a lot of people to know who you are, which means there's a higher potential or higher

00:28:54,880 --> 00:29:01,200
possibility of more people not liking you. Right. If your sphere of influence is very small,

00:29:01,200 --> 00:29:04,880
you may have one person who doesn't like you, but if your sphere of influence is large, you're going

00:29:04,880 --> 00:29:10,880
to have lots of people always ticked. And so I've learned to live with that. My skin gets thicker

00:29:10,880 --> 00:29:14,320
and thicker and thicker. That's the grace of God. Because really it gets thinner the older you get,

00:29:14,320 --> 00:29:19,120
but we have to get thicker. Physically it's getting thinner, but spiritually much thicker.

00:29:19,120 --> 00:29:26,240
So anyway, that's a God thing. And listen, for you listening to or with us today, first of all,

00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:31,920
thank you for listening. But this spiritual warfare isn't just for pastors. We're people.

00:29:31,920 --> 00:29:38,080
We're not just pastors. We're a husband and a wife. We're a brother, a sister, a mom, a dad,

00:29:38,080 --> 00:29:44,800
a grandfather, a grand... Not just pastors. We're friends. We've got this sphere of influence with

00:29:44,800 --> 00:29:49,600
all these different kinds of relationships, just like you. The only thing different is our job.

00:29:50,240 --> 00:29:55,440
It's just different. But we all have the same kinds of connections. And so I know there are

00:29:55,440 --> 00:30:00,400
times when you take hits and it hurts. Somebody comes to you and you say, yeah, well, that guy

00:30:00,400 --> 00:30:04,160
just doesn't like you at all. He thinks you're a jerk or he thinks you're ugly or he doesn't like

00:30:04,160 --> 00:30:08,800
the way you talk. And you think, how am I supposed to take that? I know it's like... Or someone tells

00:30:08,800 --> 00:30:13,520
you, there's people calling you hypocrites. And you're like, what? I know. It just, you're like,

00:30:13,520 --> 00:30:19,680
what? Like what? I mean, just those things... We're like the most open people. We have such an open

00:30:19,680 --> 00:30:25,120
book. We're sure. Yeah. I don't know. So open it hurts. But anyway, we open ourselves up. But anyway,

00:30:25,120 --> 00:30:30,000
all that to say is that everybody's taking hits at some level. Maybe somebody at work talking

00:30:30,000 --> 00:30:35,280
behind your back and it gets back to you and it hurts. I mean, you're like, what? But I will say

00:30:35,280 --> 00:30:44,000
this. The more clear my identity in Christ gets, the more I understand that I'm a son. I'm a son

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of the most high God. I'm a King's kid. According to Deuteronomy chapter 28, I always go down this.

00:30:50,800 --> 00:30:54,880
We're the head, not the tail. We're above only, not beneath. We're blessed coming in, blessed going

00:30:54,880 --> 00:31:00,320
out. I mean, I can go on and on and on because I love that. But it reminds me of who I am.

00:31:00,960 --> 00:31:06,320
And when I think about who you are, daughter of God, freaking gorgeous right now, as I'm looking

00:31:06,320 --> 00:31:11,200
across the desk. Just now? Only now? I'm just kidding. You would do that. I'm just kidding.

00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:17,520
Does this dress make me look fat? I mean, that's like a man can't win. So it's a lose, lose answer.

00:31:17,520 --> 00:31:23,120
Don't answer men. Just anyway. Oh my gosh. I digress. Yeah. I was going to say you just

00:31:23,120 --> 00:31:29,760
digress. You took me down the rabbit hole and I went. I caught it. But anyway, it's such a

00:31:29,760 --> 00:31:35,680
privilege. Even the Bible even says that you're blessed when people come against you. Yes. When

00:31:35,680 --> 00:31:42,160
people speak evil of you. You're countered all joy as you face various trials. You know, here's

00:31:42,160 --> 00:31:49,440
one thing that has helped me and I hope it'll help our audience that's listening to this now is that

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if you know people that are prayer warriors that are around you. That's my Bible turning. So if

00:31:55,440 --> 00:31:59,760
that's making noise, that's like static. If you don't, you need to find those because those are

00:31:59,760 --> 00:32:05,120
the ones you need to go to and say, Hey, I feel like I'm under a spiritual attack. And boy, that's

00:32:05,120 --> 00:32:12,320
exactly what I did. I got every spiritual warrior, prayer warrior that I knew personally that I'm

00:32:12,320 --> 00:32:20,480
close to and said, please pray for me this week. Because I've had, in fact, I couldn't even

00:32:21,760 --> 00:32:30,960
really sit down and prepare fully my message until yesterday. And I had to speak today. And it wasn't

00:32:30,960 --> 00:32:37,280
just my testimony. I actually let a video, the video that we actually put on this podcast before.

00:32:37,280 --> 00:32:42,880
We actually, I actually let use that. I'll put our, put both of our testimonies back on our

00:32:42,880 --> 00:32:46,640
newsletter next week. They can just click on it and take them right to it. It's real short,

00:32:46,640 --> 00:32:52,880
just like 11 minutes. And instead of giving my testimony, I let that nine minute video give it.

00:32:52,880 --> 00:32:59,200
And then I expounded and taught on being redeemed and restored because the Lord wants to redeem us.

00:32:59,200 --> 00:33:04,960
But he not only wants to redeem us, he wants to restore us. And there was a scripture in Job that

00:33:04,960 --> 00:33:12,160
you and I actually, I sent it to you and we both had aha moments. But there's a scripture in Job

00:33:12,720 --> 00:33:24,960
that says that God restored Job's losses double because he prayed for his friends.

00:33:24,960 --> 00:33:26,960
Tanner Iskra And the friends that turned their back on him.

00:33:26,960 --> 00:33:30,560
Dr. Terri Manning Yes. And that if you know anything about Job, Job lost everything. The

00:33:30,560 --> 00:33:36,560
devil asked God if he could sift him. God said, yes, but you can't kill him. He does this,

00:33:37,440 --> 00:33:42,560
which I don't know if any of us will ever understand why this happened, but he does this.

00:33:42,560 --> 00:33:49,040
And then his friends come against him. Job is like, you must be sinning for this much stuff to be

00:33:49,040 --> 00:33:55,120
happening, which I actually said today in my, in my speaking, because a lot of people think, wow,

00:33:55,120 --> 00:34:00,080
when you have all this going wrong, there's something wrong with you. And you must be,

00:34:00,080 --> 00:34:08,480
yes. And so those were Job's friends, but instead of turning on them, he forgave them and prayed for

00:34:08,480 --> 00:34:14,320
them. Wow. What a lesson. We both caught that. You and I, when I shared that verse, you were like,

00:34:14,320 --> 00:34:21,200
I've never caught that before. But the whole key is forgiveness. When we forgive those who have

00:34:21,200 --> 00:34:28,160
wronged us, I did, I did. Because when you forgive those who've wronged us, it brings freedom to us.

00:34:28,160 --> 00:34:33,920
It brings peace. It restores us. And so that's what God wants to do. He wants to restore. He

00:34:33,920 --> 00:34:40,240
doesn't just redeem us. He restores us, but he doesn't just restore us back to the way we were.

00:34:40,800 --> 00:34:44,000
He makes us better because he knows the end from the beginning.

00:34:44,000 --> 00:34:53,120
Tanner Iskra And when Job lost everything, he was restored twofold, double. And I, that,

00:34:53,120 --> 00:35:03,440
I just, that one scripture and me knowing the life of Job just gave me such peace that, you know,

00:35:03,440 --> 00:35:11,920
and reminding me of how much I, through my testimony, I have lost and how much he's not

00:35:11,920 --> 00:35:19,600
only restored double. I can't even, I don't even think I have the math to what he's restored. You

00:35:19,600 --> 00:35:25,200
know what I'm saying? Because it's bigger than that. And so, you know, I say all that to say,

00:35:25,200 --> 00:35:30,240
you know, not only restored, but added to, added to, it's like, that's why it's double. If it's

00:35:30,240 --> 00:35:36,320
just single, if he just restores, that's one, but now he gave Job twice. That means more,

00:35:36,320 --> 00:35:42,160
like a whole other life for him. It's not just stuff. It's the real riches of life. It's the

00:35:42,160 --> 00:35:46,560
relationships. It's the appreciation. I mean, I don't know, he blessed him on every level,

00:35:46,560 --> 00:35:53,600
every level, but that's what God wants to do with us. But, but me even, and I forgot to say this

00:35:53,600 --> 00:36:02,400
to the women today, but me even having this revelation and trying to get ready to speak

00:36:02,400 --> 00:36:09,760
in this warfare, this warfare that was coming, I really felt like the enemy wanted to distract me

00:36:09,760 --> 00:36:16,160
from even speaking this message because somebody was going to get free today. And I do believe,

00:36:16,160 --> 00:36:22,880
I do believe many got free today just from hearing. Many said today, I heard, I didn't know

00:36:22,880 --> 00:36:28,960
Pastor Annette, but now I feel like I really know her. And that's, that was, that was just beautiful

00:36:28,960 --> 00:36:35,760
to hear that. But the thing is, is I want them to know me now. And the, I want them to know

00:36:37,040 --> 00:36:44,800
where I came from and where God took me because I wanted to give people the hope that he can take

00:36:44,800 --> 00:36:54,560
your mess and turn it into a message. So anyway, it's, it was fun. And, but boy, that spiritual

00:36:54,560 --> 00:37:01,120
warfare. So now I do not envy you doing this week after week. And I know that the spiritual warfare,

00:37:01,120 --> 00:37:08,400
there's going to be an uptick because of what we're doing, because if you're not hitting the mark

00:37:08,400 --> 00:37:14,960
or getting over the target, so, so to speak, you're not a threat, but when you're a threat,

00:37:14,960 --> 00:37:22,000
Oh, get ready, get his attention. Yeah. But we know who we are. That's as greater as he, that is in

00:37:22,000 --> 00:37:28,400
us than he that's in the world. It's absolutely okay. Right. Because listen to this out of Matthew

00:37:29,200 --> 00:37:33,600
earlier, I was flipping pages of my Bible. I've got my electronic stuff, but I love my Bible. And

00:37:33,600 --> 00:37:40,400
so listen to this out of Matthew chapter five, it says blessed are you when others revile you

00:37:40,400 --> 00:37:46,880
and persecute you. What? Wait, what? Blessed. When people are really blessed, we are blessed.

00:37:46,880 --> 00:37:51,600
I mean, come on girl. You know what the word blessed means though? It's two things. It means

00:37:51,600 --> 00:37:57,520
highly favored, but it means happy. It's just, it's that simple. It means happy are you, but it also

00:37:57,520 --> 00:38:05,440
means empowered to prosper and succeed. So you're empowered to succeed when people do this. Blessed

00:38:05,440 --> 00:38:11,680
are you empowered to succeed and prosper. Happy are you when others revile you and persecute you

00:38:11,680 --> 00:38:17,760
and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. There's the key. There's the key.

00:38:17,760 --> 00:38:22,880
They're lies. It's not true. And things that were said about us, absolute, there was so much gossip

00:38:22,880 --> 00:38:30,240
this week. I mean, untrue, just silly, ridiculous stuff. But it wasn't like from a lot of people,

00:38:30,240 --> 00:38:35,040
it was just a small little smidgen. And it always is a little, but they seem to be louder than the

00:38:35,040 --> 00:38:40,960
majority, right? Or at least that's the way it lands sometimes. He says, rejoice and be glad

00:38:41,600 --> 00:38:48,080
for your reward is great in heaven. Oh, we got some big stuff coming. For so they persecuted the

00:38:48,080 --> 00:38:54,480
prophets who were before you. So listen, y'all, this, this is real. This is where life gets real.

00:38:54,480 --> 00:39:00,160
It's just where it gets hard. Sometimes when people, the words used here are intense. When

00:39:00,160 --> 00:39:06,720
others revile you and persecute you, the word persecute literally means in the Greek, it's the

00:39:06,720 --> 00:39:17,040
same word that's used to run down and to take over. And I think our, oh, this is weird.

00:39:17,040 --> 00:39:21,680
What is it? I think our living up and down world thing just played, but I don't know. I'll be able

00:39:21,680 --> 00:39:28,960
to hopefully drop it out. So listen to this. It means to run down and to persecute, run down

00:39:28,960 --> 00:39:36,960
and persecute. Wow. I know that's just mind bending. I know it's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Well,

00:39:37,600 --> 00:39:42,160
so we have some people to thank. Yes, we do lots of stuff here. Randall Black, I want to say thank

00:39:42,160 --> 00:39:47,760
you for blessing us with satoshis. I'm looking at this from Saturn. It says it's through fountain.

00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:54,240
So I'm not sure what app it's from, but thank you, Randall Black. Eric P also gave us satoshis and

00:39:54,240 --> 00:39:59,920
blessed us this last week. Thank you. Value for values, how we operate. Eric, I'm looking. And

00:39:59,920 --> 00:40:08,080
then also Sir Bies Grace. Sir Bies Grace. David blessed us as well. And let's see, I'm going down

00:40:08,080 --> 00:40:14,800
through the list. Mr. Adam Curry, 77,700. He's the only one that gets a Strapper Boost. I know. We

00:40:14,800 --> 00:40:18,720
need more people to do that. But I can't do a Strapper Boost on this. I don't have my main unit.

00:40:19,280 --> 00:40:23,760
This is portable, remember? So I can't do a Strapper Boost sound and I'm not even going to try.

00:40:23,760 --> 00:40:28,720
I could plug in my guitar and do a little riff, but I do have my guitars around me. But anyway,

00:40:28,720 --> 00:40:33,920
I want to say thanks so much for you guys. You are such a blessing to us. Randall Black

00:40:33,920 --> 00:40:40,320
and Johns Creek Studios, thanks. We appreciate you. Are you looking up something right now?

00:40:40,320 --> 00:40:44,880
You're looking furiously because we've had people bless us. Yeah, we've had some others. Hey, be

00:40:44,880 --> 00:40:51,440
sure and go to I got it right this time. And click on subscribe. It's free,

00:40:52,240 --> 00:40:57,840
but what it'll do, it'll get you a note. I'll send out a little, just a reminder newsletter when

00:40:57,840 --> 00:41:03,600
we're going to have an episode come out. I wish we could do it at the same time every week exactly,

00:41:03,600 --> 00:41:09,840
but the life of a pastor is insanity. You could plan your week all week long, but it's going to

00:41:09,840 --> 00:41:15,040
get changed. Things are going to happen. That's the nature of what we do. We truly are. We do

00:41:15,040 --> 00:41:21,120
frontline stuff. I mean, we're frontliners, so we're on the line because we love people. So we have

00:41:21,120 --> 00:41:26,720
to be flexible, quick on our feet. And a lot of times things like that end up, we have to do it

00:41:26,720 --> 00:41:32,080
on a Saturday night late. That's crazy, but it's all good. And we tried this. Are you finding what

00:41:32,080 --> 00:41:38,480
you're looking for? You're feverishly over there. It was a week before. Oh, okay. Okay. We tried this

00:41:38,480 --> 00:41:41,600
last night. We couldn't even get our equipment to work. We couldn't get our equipment to work. And

00:41:41,600 --> 00:41:46,480
I think we even had a couple of glitches here. Are you okay over there? I got a choke. She's

00:41:46,480 --> 00:41:52,080
all choked up. She's emotional. So we want to say thank you for listening. We love you guys. Hey,

00:41:52,080 --> 00:41:56,560
do check out Curry and the Keeper, Adam and Tina Curry. Our besties got to have coffee with Adam

00:41:56,560 --> 00:42:00,720
this week. We hardly ever get to talk alone. We're always with a bunch of people and then we're

00:42:00,720 --> 00:42:05,360
always like, in fact, we were at the boots and barbecue thing and it's like 400 people there.

00:42:05,360 --> 00:42:09,120
Right. Me and Adam are trying to talk and people are going, hey, the show started. Hey, they're

00:42:09,120 --> 00:42:13,680
starting. We're like, don't they know we're trying to have a conversation here. So we did coffee this

00:42:13,680 --> 00:42:18,480
week and man, just that's what friends are for. We had a great time. And you and Tina got to go

00:42:18,480 --> 00:42:24,000
hang out, get some hang time. Can you talk now? I know you're... I am. I had a little, a little tickle

00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:28,480
in my throat. So yeah, we had a great time. It's always great. And y'all did a Costco run for us,

00:42:28,480 --> 00:42:33,280
carnivores. That makes me very happy. Lots of good steak. Very happy. Some of the best steak we've

00:42:33,280 --> 00:42:37,520
ever had. No kidding. Costco's got it going on. Tina wants to know where they get their steak.

00:42:37,520 --> 00:42:40,880
I don't know, but wherever it is... I don't even know if I care at this point. It's so good. It's

00:42:41,040 --> 00:42:47,280
really good. And it's reasonable price. I mean, so yeah. So anyway, we've been enjoying that.

00:42:47,280 --> 00:42:51,280
And we've had people in our house. I mean, it's been a crazy, crazy... Yes. We have contractors

00:42:51,280 --> 00:42:55,840
in our house for several weeks. Fortunately, we love our contractors. They're actually friends.

00:42:55,840 --> 00:42:58,800
And we can leave them. They're practically family. And go to work. Yeah, we've got to do what we've

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got to do. All right. Well, listen, that rounds it up for us today. And we just want to say thank

00:43:03,120 --> 00:43:07,040
you for listening. We hope this is an encouragement to you. Yes. Fight the good fight of faith.

00:43:07,040 --> 00:43:12,080
Put on the whole armor of God. Go to Ephesians chapter six, starting in verse 10 and following,

00:43:12,080 --> 00:43:16,880
and spend some time there because it'll tell you exactly what to do. And you can literally put on

00:43:16,880 --> 00:43:21,120
the full armor of God and fight the good fight of faith. That's right. And by the way, we win.

00:43:21,120 --> 00:43:27,920
Jesus said he wins. That means we're in him, which means we win. So hey, it's a win-win deal

00:43:27,920 --> 00:43:54,960
to live as Christ, to die as gang. God bless you. Have a great week and keep living up in a down world.