It’s not unusual to hear something like this, “God wants you to obey without question.” While his may sound pious and fervent, he wants something of much greater value. God desires more than robotic obedience, he is after a willin…
Our community loves a parade, and there are several each year that celebrate special holidays or events. The streets are lined with people sitting on tail gates and lawn chairs. Sights, sounds, and smells fill the air with a sense celebration and fe…
The world is growing more complex everyday. Ingesting a nonstop diet of news and media will spin you up in a nanosecond and send you searching for Rolaids. The kingdom of God, on the other hand is simple. Jesus said a child can get it. Red flags go…
Sons and daughters. It’s almost beyond comprehension that God would adopt us and consider us His kids. In light of how we love our own children it brings into focus God’s love for each of us. Astounding! On this TGiF, let the truth of G…
When you know Him, you delight in His word, both written and spoken. There is a hunger deep in your soul for more of Him, more of His word, and more of His presence. Those who walk closely with God cannot get enough. They are voracious learners and…
When you know the truth, you are free to... unconditionally. ...forgive fully. ...grow exponentially. ...connect unreservedly. ...give radically. abundantly. ...encourage wholeheartedly. ...serve compassionately. ...think in…
Freedom is a remarkable thing. Through the centuries, many have gone before us and given their lives for it. However, there is One that stands above all others. Jesus gave His life for us so we could be truly free for all eternity, starting right n…
There is trouble to be had in this world, but take heart, Jesus has overcome the world. If you are in Christ and Christ is in you, then you have overcome the world too. Rest in the truth today. - Pastor Jimmy
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Grace wins. Don’t think for a second that God cannot use you because of your missteps and mistakes. He qualifies those whom He calls, and God will take your mess and turn it into a mas…
God is for you not against you. He's always been for you, even before you knew it. - Pastor Jimmy